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  • » SMS did not arrive
    → Use the "Change SMS Route" option when sending a text message

    Suggestions for sending a text message:

    • I have entered the correct recipient number
    • The recipient’s number exists
    • I have chosen the right country for both the sender and the recipient
    • I did not enter the country code to the number, but selected the country in the dropdown box
    • I did not enter the same number for both the sender and the recipient
    • I did not send the same text in a short period of time (this might have caused a SPAM protection)
    • I have already tried using different routes to send the message
    • I disabled the Flash Text option
    • I have tried to restart the recipient’s phone

    We also recommend you to have a look at our FAQ
  • » SMS not delivered in my language
    Please send your SMS in Unicode to support all cyrillic languages such as Chinese, Arabic or Japanese. Simply enable the Unicode features before sending a text message.
  • » Send and receive SMS
    If you want to send text messages and also answer to the reply of those, please use one of our virtual numbers. You can add numbers to our Virtual Phone or Spoof Chat App to send and receive SMS messages.
  • » The call was not initiated
    • I have entered the correct recipient number
    • The recipient’s number exists
    • I have chosen the right country for both the sender and the recipient
    • I did not enter the country code to the number, but selected the country in the dropdown box
    • I answered the call to my real phone number to get the call redirected to the recipient’s phone
    • I have tried to restart the recipient’s phone
    • I tried to initiate the call via my web browser
  • » The email was not received
    • I only used real existing Top Level Domains (TLD’s) as fake sender
    • I checked the Spam folder as well
    • I disabled the HTML feature
  • » Fax does not arrive
    You can only send a fax to real fax machines.

    • I have entered the correct Fax number
    • I know that the Fax is available and not busy at the moment
    • I tried to send a message instead of a file
  • » Virtual Number not available for a specific country
    There is only a certain amount of virtual numbers per country. If there is no one available, all of those virtual numbers are in use at the moment. Please be patient, numbers will be available soon for that country again.

    We have great experiences with US virtual numbers
  • » Virtual Numbers – What to know
    To receive SMS and calls you have to add virtual numbers to your account. You can add virtual numbers in your Dashboard for Virtual Phone, Spoof Chat or the Call Forwarding App.

    • For SMS only, you have to add a virtual number for our "Spoof Chat" App.
    • For redirecting incoming calls to your real phone, you need a number for "Call Forward"
    • "Virtual Phone" enables both. One number for SMS and calls
    • Virtual numbers are valid for 25 days on a prepaid plan. You can renew your number in that period or add one more month at once to have a longer lifetime.  (Attention: If you don't renew your number, it is not possible to add them back.)
    • Before using your virtual number: wait some minutes to get your number fully activated
    • Pay attention to the international area code and correct the input of your virtual number. Let's take an US number for example: Please enter your number with 001 at the beginning. (-> 001 1345 1234311)
    • If a virtual number for a specific country is not available at the moment, please be patient. We will refill them and they should be available soon again.
  • » Virtual Numbers – Troubleshooting
    • Wait some minutes to get your number fully activated
    • Check the added number by sending a simple SMS to your number
    • Check the added number by a simple call to your number
    • Contact Whatsapp, Facebook Google support or the service you want to use if you have any problems
    • Try a virtual number from another country
  • » Virtual Numbers – Country restrictions
    Some virtual numbers may have a country restriction, this means, some UK numbers cannot be used outside from the country. If you need a worldwide using, please select another country for your virtual number. We recommend US or Australian numbers. 
  • » Purchasing credits
    You can purchase Spoofbox credits to use all our apps, tools and adding virtual numbers to your account.

    If you did not receive your credits, please take care of:

    • I tried logging out and back in to my spoofbox account
    • Bitcoin and crypto payments may take some time due to confirmation. It can take some hours till you see credits in your account.
    • Check if you received an order confirmation from your payment provider
    • Check your payment provider if the payment was successful

    We cannot accept refunds on acclamation. Please contact your payment provider (Google, Apple, Paypal) directly and open a support ticket there.  If we receive the refund information from the payment provider, we will check it immediately. 
  • » Step-by-step: Call Forward
    • First add credits to your account
    • Choose a virtual number for the "Call Forward" (Voice) App in your account dashboard
    • Set up the redirect on incoming calls to your real number in the Call Forward Tool
    • All incoming calls will then automatically be redirected to your real phone number
  • » Step-by-step: Spoof Chat
    • Add credits to your account
    • Choose a virtual number for the "Spoof Chat" (SMS) App in your account dashboard
    • You can see incoming SMS directly in your Dashboard history or send and receive text messages in the Spoof Chat App directly
    • There are no extra costs on receiving SMS until your number is active
  • » General information
    Spoofbox provides many tools to protect your privacy. We work hard every day to make our services better. However, you may have some problems or questions.
  • » Delete account
    You can delete your account in Dashboard » Settings
  • » I got a call to my own number
    I tried Spoof Call, but my own phone was called, not the recipient’s? That’s absolutely right! First, you will receive the call on your real phone and as soon as you pick up, the call will be redirected to the recipient’s phone.

    You may try to use the web browser for your calls instead of entering your own phone number.
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