Before I was a year old I walked and talked and I was even potty trained. When I started going to school I think I got on everyone's nerves because I used to ask adult questions rather than settle for the stuff usually fed to kids. ↗
Once I walked out of my house into to the Puerto Rican Day parade. It was usually a five-minute walk to work, but that day it took me a half-hour to get to 30 Rock. ↗
I don't think I had a script on 'King Kong.' But usually you read a script and then you go and audition for it. It's rare when there's no script. I sort of like the latter better, because I'm more successful at it. ↗
My father was a no-nonsense, dedicated, and focused minister, and there was usually a sermon he needed to prepare for or a Scripture he needed to study, and that always came first. ↗
zrozumiał ostatecznie coś, co sam o tym nie wiedząc, wielokrotnie przeczuwał: że można jednocześnie i z równym bólem kochać wiele kobiet, żadnej z nich nie zdradzając. (...) ,,Serce ma więcej pokoi niż mój k*****ki hotel". ↗