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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #unrequited

When you're cold and unloving, he'll walk through a fire to earn your love, but the second you give your love to him, he'll drag you by your hair, and throw you into the fire. Never show your vulneralbility, instead embody the Seductress.

Euphoria Godsent

#heart-broken #love #love-hurts #lovesick #seductress

Granted, I'd waited a long time to hear those words. Would've sold a kidney-maybe two-to have heard them at one point. Now, though...they didn't have the same impact. They were, in fact, an overcooked noodle in the pasta salad of love.

Kristan Higgins

#unrequited-love #love

I’d always secretly believed that a love as fierce and true as mine would be rewarded in the end, and now I was being forced to accept the bitter truth.

Alma Katsu

#hopelessness #unrequited-love #love

There was a time when our desire for each other would have landed us in an asylum or prison, had it not been sanctioned by mutual assent. True or false.

Lawrence Krauser

#stalking #unrequited-love #love

You know, unrequited love is very difficut? It's not just having this one-sided love of someone who's far away. Being close, talking daily, liking a guy who's constantly near me is harder than it would be under different circumstances.

Park So Hee


Besides, unrequited love is one of those things that all teen-agers have to go through, right?

Wendy Higgins

#unrequited-love #love

Which is when I decided I would never love anyone again because you just felt like an idiot when you put love out there and it didn't come back your way.

Karen Tayleur

#idiot #love #unrequited-love #love knew I was confused, tormented, but you enticed me - led me on...

John Geddes

#love #torment #unrequited #love

Never fall in love with someone that won't fight for you, because when the real battles begin they won't pull your heart to safety, but they will their own.

Shannon L. Alder

#fairytale-love #rescuing-you #saving-you #standing-up-for-who-you-love #unrequited-love

While you were protecting me from the world, just never thought you'd be my greatest enemy

Vivian E. Moore


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