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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #triumph

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt

#better #checkered #dare #defeat #enjoy

You may glory in a team triumphant... But you fall in love with a team in defeat.

Roger Kahn

#fall #glory #love #may #team

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Nelson Mandela

#absence #afraid #brave #brave man #conquers

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow.

Thomas Paine

#strength #struggle #triumph #love

Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.

Erik Erikson

#child #children #failure #hateful #his

You love me?' 'Yes, you great lummox. I love you.' He lets out a sigh. 'Sweet Camulos! It's about time.

Robin L. LaFevers

#dark-triumph #grave-mercy #his-fair-assassin #robin-lafevers #romance

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

#strength #trial #triumph #strength

I am so grateful for my troubles. As I reflect back on my life, I have come to realize that my greatest triumphs have been born of my greatest troubles.

Steve Maraboli

#life #motivation #success #triumphs #troubles

Something about the joy and pain of that moment, something about the excruciating contrast, made me feel that no matter what happens now, my life has been worth it. What a ride.

Chris Crutcher

#fulfillment #life #triumph #experience

Man can certainly flee from God... but he cannot escape him. He can certainly hate God and be hateful to God, but he cannot change into its opposite the eternal love of God which triumphs even in his hate.

Karl Barth

#certainly #change #escape #eternal #eternal love

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