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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #thriller

Oh God,” Jenna said, “will you shut up and kiss me before I change my mind?

Richard Finney

#suspense #thriller #change

Several Terminal Policy readers got together to tell Raker jokes: - Raker CAN piss into the wind. - Raker donates a lot of blood to the Red Cross -- just never his own. - Superman wears Raker pajamas. - When Raker jumps into the pool, he doesn't get wet -- the pool gets Raker. - Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Raker THREW her there!! - Raker's daughter lost her virginity ... he got it back. - Raker doesn't cheat death, he wins fair and square. - Raker turns on a light at night … not because he's afraid of the dark but because the dark is afraid of him. - When the boogy man goes to bed he checks under his bed for Raker. - Don’t tread on Raker’s cape!

Liam McCurry

#romance #thrillers #death

The possibility that hope comes out of hopelessness and that the opposite of things carry the seeds of birth - love out of hate, good out of evil. Didn't flowers grow out of dirt?

Robert Cormier

#physchotic-thriller #death

Only God is the Giver and Master of Creativity and imagination because they are gifts that can only come from Him Alone!

Cheyenne Mitchell

#mystery #supernatural-thrillers #suspense #the-covering #thrillers

No matter how you twist and turn, your ass is always in the back.

Andrew Sturm

#kirkwood #project #thriller #inspirational

If he's like any other man I've ever met, it's not my smile he's going to be looking at.

Brad Thor

#brad-thor #fiction #humor #life #men

The men were smashing windows and aiming their weapons through them. The driver had opened the door and was shouting for the women and children to get out and run and hide. But Ilina realized in some vague way that he never managed to actually say the word "hide." He really said, "Women and children, get out, get out, get out! Run and..." The clerk's wife thought it was odd that he had stopped in the middle of a sentence, and even stranger that she herself knew the word, heard the word "hide" in her head when the driver stopped talking.

Clark Zlotchew

#cia #dagestan #espionage-thriller #iran #novel

The purchases of courteous Dr. Fell over his months in Florence would not have totaled more than one hundred lire, but the fragrances and essences were chosen and combined with a sensibility startling and gratifying to these scent merchants, who live by the nose. It was to preserve this pleasure that Dr. Lecter had not altered his own nose with rhinoplasty other than external collagen injections. For him the air was painted with scents as distinct and vivid as colors, and he could layer and feather them as though painting wet-on-wet. Here there was nothing of jail. Here the air was music. Here were pale tears of frankincense awaiting extraction, yellow bergamot, sandalwood, cinnamon and mimosa in concert, over the sustaining ground notes of genuine ambergris, civet, castor from the beaver, and essence of the musk deer. Dr. Lecter sometimes entertained the illusion that he could smell with his hands, his arms and cheeks, that odor suffused him. That he could smell with his face and his heart.

Thomas Harris Hannibal

#suspence-romance #thriller #music

In darkness there is death.

Bob Mayer

#first-lines #thriller #thrillers #death

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.

Sara Shepard

#pretty-little-liars #teens #thriller #teen

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