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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #thriller

It doesn't cost anything to pay attention.

Scott Cherney

#thriller #thriller

Forever. He carved the word into his soul. Kiera was his forever, deformity or no deformity.

Christine Fonseca

#psychological-thriller #ya #thriller

I am who I am and always shall be.

Laura Elizabeth

#fiction-novel #ghost-story #laura-elizabeth #murder-mystery #mystery

Use your intuition. Picture how things happen, why they happen. Don’t stick rigidly to first impressions, and once you’ve read the rule book, throw it away. Better still, burn the bastard.

Andrew Barrett

#procedural #thriller #thriller

I write thrillers for the same reason that people read them – it's escapism.

Ken McClure

#mcclure #medical-thrillers #science #thrillers #science

By the standards of a tourist strolling past looking for a quick lunch, the place was a dive. The sign on the window was small and easy to miss, and the antique feel of the place wasn't the prepackaged, old-shit-on-the-wall nostalgia that came with so many chain restaurants. The cafe was just old, and everything about it said old. But Jon liked it that way, if only because it kept the tourists away and spared him from hearing imported ignorance when there was plenty of local ignorance to go around.

Scott B. Pruden

#humorous-quotes #immaculate-deception #satire #science-fiction #science-fiction-comedy

No evil ever came from a woman’s womb that wasn’t placed there first by a man.’... Tantie Neptune, Lucifer's Key by Charles A. Cornell, due 2013

Charles A. Cornell

#occult #supernatural #thriller #thrillers #tiger-paw

James is why I never left. I should have left.

Kate Avelynn

#issues #new-adult #thriller #young-adult #thriller

When I am alone with God I see that God is really all I have. All that matters. All that will last. At these times I realize that the magnitude of what I have is incomprehensible. Usually I cry for the sheer joy of it. Not tears of defeat, but rather tears of gratitude.

Pola Muzyka

#romance-novels #thriller #thriller

Sometimes the hardest journeys are the ones that begin with little hope. But we need to take them anyway.

Richard Finney

#philosophical #thriller #thriller

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