One important measurement issue concerns the fat tails problem that I mentioned earlier. VAR is concerned with extreme outcomes. If the tails of the probability distributions we are using are too thin, our VAR measures are likely to be too low. ↗
I've been on the show for six years and I don't even know what her history is. I sort of make things up in my mind, but I think it's hard for an audience to follow and invest in a character when they don't have the details. ↗
Parenting, as an unpaid occupation outside the world of public power, entails lower status, less power, and less control of resources than paid work. ↗
Occasionally, I would focus on a particular school project and become obsessed with, what seemed to my mother, to be trivial details instead of apportioning the time I spent on school work in a more efficient way. ↗
If you write a story based on a real person, you're trapped by the details of the real person and his life. It gets in the way of writing your own story. ↗