Stock market corrections, although painful at the time, are actually a very healthy part of the whole mechanism, because there are always speculative excesses that develop, particularly during the long bull market. ↗
I'm dubious about having Social Security put into the stock market. I think that we have gotten very far away from the idea that there's something sacrosanct about retirement investments. ↗
In the 1920s, Wall Street was a world that was really dominated by professional speculators and stock pools. These people had a monopoly over information. ↗
One of the very nice things about investing in the stock market is that you learn about all different aspects of the economy. It's your window into a very large world. ↗
The way the credit cards were made in the '80s to be a people's form of capitalism and be able to make it so that you could get a loan that you would have been denied previous, now that's the way stocks are. ↗
I don't think that's changed at all. I think there are a thousand stocks out there that could make you rich, totally independent of what you do for a living. ↗