Mientras cubría la distancia entre Sant Berger y mi casa, sentí que la negrura de la noche iba tiñendo mi alma. Sin que pudiera explicármelo, un malestar había empezado a roerme desde dentro como una fiera oculta. Me sentía huérfano de la vida. ↗
Between his eyes, there were four lines, the marks of such misery as children should never feel. He spoke with that wonderful whisky voice that so many Spanish children have, and he was a tough and entire little boy. ↗
And though various organizations in America and England collected money and sent food parcels to these refugees, nothing was ever received by the Spanish. ↗
If all our comrades of Europe, America and other countries, who do not understand what we are doing to Spanish Anarchism, would come to Spain, we could then see how they would react. ↗