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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sophie

He smiled at her, and Sophie’s emotions went to war. She had always admired Banallt’s intellect and his easy manner with her. He never had condescended to her or made her feel unworthy or insignificant. But how could she forget him arriving at Rider Hall with Tommy, drunk and with a woman who was not respectable? All the times he’d watched her with his unsettling eyes and then left with Tommy. The night he’d admitted he was unfaithful to his marriage and saw no reason to change.

Carolyn Jewel

#scandal #sophie #change

He headed for the door but stopped halfway. “I love you, Sophie. I love you with my soul.” Her bare arms held up the duvet. “Don’t ruin this, Banallt, please.” “I’m not a villain from one of your novels, Sophie.” She stared at him, wide-eyed. “Unlike them, I can change. I have changed.” Unfortunately, she didn’t believe him.

Carolyn Jewel

#carolyn-jewel #scandal #sophie #change

Girls who kiss boys, girls who date them, girls who call them on the phone... that's all they do. There are other things I want to do.

Garret Freymann-Weyr


Superstitious." What a strange word. If you believed in Christianity or Islam, it was called "faith". But if you believed in astrology or Friday the thirteenth it was superstition! Who had the right to call other people's belief superstition?

Jostein Gaarder

#sophie-s-world #faith

Nevertheless we are free individuals, and this freedom condemns us to make choices throughout our lives. There are no eternal values or norms we can adhere to, which makes our choices even more significant. Because we are totally responsible for everything we do. Sartre emphasized that man must never disclaim the responsibility for his actions. Nor can we avoid the responsibility of making our own choices on the grounds that we "must" go to work, or we "must" live up to certain middle-class expectations regarding how we should live. Those who thus slip into the anonymous masses will never be other than members of the impersonal flock, having fled from themselves into self-deception. On the other hand our freedom obliges us to make something of ourselves, to live "authentically" or "truly".

Jostein Gaarder


Im Grunde unserer Seele sind wir Raubtiere. Intelligent, unersättlich und schnell. Alles, was wir in ein paar hunderttausend Jahren Entwicklung gegen unsere wahre Natur aufzubieten haben, ist bloß eine dünne Schicht aus Ritualen, die wir Zivilisation nennen.

David Gray

#intelligenz #leben #mensch #philosophie #raubtier

Vanity's a debilitating affliction. You’re so absorbed in yourself it’s impossible to love anyone other than oneself, leaving you weak without realization of it. It’s quite sad. You’ve no idea what you’re missing either. You will never know real love and your life will pas you by.

Fisher Amelie


Life is the messy bits.

Lise Friedman

#claire #sophie #life

Throughout the entire history of philosophy, philosophers have sought to discover what man is - or what human nature is. But Sartre believed that man has no such eternal nature to fall back on. It is therefore useless to search for the meaning of life in general. We are condemned to improvise. We are like actors dragged onto the stage without having learned our lines, with no script and no prompter to whisper stage directions to us. We must decide for ourselves how to live.

Jostein Gaarder


According to Kierkegaard, rather than searching for the Truth with a capital T, it is more important to find the kind of truths that are meaningful to the individual's life. It is important to find `the truth for me`.

Jostein Gaarder


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