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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #single
There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey. ↗
[F]rom my years of understanding ... I happily chose this kind of life in which I yet live [i.e., unmarried], which I assure you for my own part hath hitherto best contented myself and I trust hath been most acceptable to God. From the which if either ambition of high estate offered to me in marriage by the pleasure and appointment of my prince ... or if the eschewing of the danger of my enemies or the avoiding of the peril of death ... could have drawn or dissuaded me from this kind of life, I had not now remained in this estate wherein you see me. But so constant have I always continued in this determination ... yet is it most true that at this day I stand free from any other meaning that either I have had in times past or have at this present. ↗
So many people are so terrified to be alone that they settle for a loveless relationship or stay trapped in a miserable one for months and even years on end. But as it turns out, alone means unique, unequaled, and unexcelled. Or in other words: Unparalleled. Unrepeatable. Unable to be imitated or duplicated. Brave. FABULOUSLY ORIGINAL. ↗
#attitude #celebrating-your-single-life #fabulous #independence #independent-woman
Single life shouldn't be a diet of junk food, aiming only to please one's lower appetites. It should be a time of preparation, the veggies that earn our dessert. ↗
And the moral of the story is that you don't remember what happened. What you remember becomes what happened. And the second moral of the story, if a story can have multiple morals, is that Dumpers are not inherently worse than Dumpees - breaking up isn't something that gets done to you; it's something that happens with you. ↗
Single |sin•gle| (adjective) - Too fabulous to settle. ↗
#being-single #fabulous #loving-yourself #not-settling #positive-thinking
She has to have four arms, four legs, four eyes, two hearts, and double the love. There is nothing “single” about a single mom. ↗
Happy is still Happy, with or without the Ever After. ↗
#being-single #contentment #happily-ever-after #happiness #happy
To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it…it’s over. It can hurt you no more. ↗
#letting-go-of-the-past #living-in-the-moment #living-in-the-past #living-in-the-present #moving-on
If you’ve been there, done that, gotten the t-shirt, isn’t it time to move on to a new destination? Don’t waste a lot of time stressing the “could have’s” – because if it should have, it would have! ↗
#destination #journey-of-life #letting-go #letting-go-of-the-past #living-in-the-moment