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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #series

It's too late!" I cried "I thought that once, too. But it's never too late. You taught me that. Love can make us eternal.” Phoenix’s eyes closed, haunted to the end. “I'm sorry,” were his last words. "I forgive you,” I sobbed, gripping onto him desperately. “I forgive you.” It was too late. All. Too. Late.

Jessica Shirvington

#jessica-shirvington #phoenix #the-embrace-series #the-violet-eden-chapters #violet

So they finally gave you the license to kill, about time.

Richelle Mead

#funny #vampire-academy-series #funny

Hi Liz! You're home!" I replied, my voice louder than it probably should've been. "Hey, how's it going?" she asked, her eyes narrowing and moving shiftily from me to Peter and back. "It's going good. Even better. Is it? Yeah, I guess. Good. Really good. Totally better," I babbled, while Peter could only manage a raised hand in greeting and a weird phrase like, "Down the basement." Liz rolled her eyes and trudged off, calling back as she vanished from view, "I want the results of pregnancy tests from both of you by the time I get out of the shower!

Hayden Thorne

#masks-series #superheroes #home

Hold on to this life, Emma," he whispered. "You're so much stronger than you think you are. ~ Evan

Rebecca Donovan

#rebecca-donovan #the-breathing-series #life

I'm the one who will never let you die. And that's more, Ms. Lane, than anyone in your life has ever been able to say to you.

jericho barrons

#fever-series #mac #mackayla-lane #life

Sometimes silence means more than words filled with pity and regret. He squeezes my hand, and I know that is his way of saying that I’m not alone. That even though he doesn’t know what it feels like to be me, because I hurt, he hurts. For the first time in my life, I find a great deal of comfort knowing that I don’t have to carry this burden alone anymore.

J.B. McGee

#forgiven #gabby-gerhart #gabriella-gerhard #this-series #life

Since then her life had been peaceful and happy. She had allowed herself to be worshipped by that strangely captivating lover of hers, whose passionately willful temperament, tempered by that persistent, sunny gaiety, she had up to now only half understood.

Emmuska Orczy

#diogenes #laughing-cavalier #scarlet-pimpernel #series #life

I knew how much Evan loved me. And I knew I didn't deserve it. But I also knew he was the only one I loved. The only one I would ever love.

Rebecca Donovan

#rebecca-donovan #the-breathing-series #love

The smile, the look, tugged at Eleanor's heart. Even in the fleeting glance, she'd seen great love in Ian's eyes, his determination to finish this letter and send it to Beth so she could enjoy decoding it. A way to tell her sweet nothings that no one else could understand. Private thoughts, shared between husband and wife.

Jennifer Ashley


Her hand wandered under his shirt, feeling his rapid breath expand his ribs. She hesitated for a second—wondering what the chances were that either of her parents would come home early—then lifted his shirt with both hands, guiding it up his arms and over his head. It was her favourite indulgence; holding herself against his bare chest.

Aprilynne Pike

#kissing #love #spells #wings-series #love

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