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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #sacred

To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people.

James Monroe

#especially #exigencies #free #free people #impose

Apparently God takes reception of Holy Communion seriously. Apparently some things are more sacred than politics. Apparently it's all or nothing when it comes to being Catholic.

Carl Olson

#being #catholic #comes #communion #god

Food is no longer sacred to us: in becoming too efficient we've changed its nature.

Mehmet Oz

#changed #efficient #food #longer #nature

Sage is cleansing and sacred.


#sacred #sage

I have to tell everyone everything that's going on. It is different once you're married, because that's sacred.

Gwen Stefani

#different #everyone #everything #going #i

On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.

Dan Lipinski

#families #free #fulfill #let us #live

Had there been a Papist among the crowd of Puritans, he might have seen in this beautiful woman, so picturesque in her attire and mien, and with the infant at her bosom, an object to remind him of the image of Divine Maternity, which so many illustrious painters have vied with one another to represent; something which should remind him, indeed, but only by contrast, of that sacred image of sinless motherhood, whose infant was to redeem the world. Here, there was the taint of of deepest sin in the most sacred of quality of human life, working such effect, that the world was only the darker for this woman's beauty, and the more lost for the infant that she had borne.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

#motherhood #sacred #sin #beauty

The harmony of the world is made manifest in Form and Number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of Natural Philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty.

D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson


Read the sacred writings of all the peoples on Earth. Through all of them runs, like a red thread, the hidden Science of attaining and maintaining wakefulness.

Gustave Meyrink

#earth #hidden #like #maintaining #read

It is certain, indeed, that the sacred writers were apt to make great allowances for people with empty stomachs, and though I am well aware that the present profane ones think this very reprehensible, I venture to agree with the sacred writers.

James Payn

#allowances #am #apt #aware #certain

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