Obviously there will be a backlash. If you believe the hype you have to believe a backlash too. Any criticism we get, is always stuff we've already criticised ourselves. ↗
Presented with a song like Exit Music, It's impossible to know what to add without actually making it worse. How can you play along when It's already there? ↗
We are thinking ahead to long-term care, aware that many folks don't plan ahead and won't be ready. We want to see to it that people will have choices. ↗
Folks in the bottom half of the economy are already squeezed hard. They will be bloodied and bankrupt if economic policy inadvertently induces a recession. ↗
Oh, there's going to be debate because you're dealing with the Bible and religion is supposed to be separate from state and that to me is already a conflict before it even hits the gay issue. ↗
I try not to worry about rewriting books that worked well the first time. I'm too busy writing new books to worry about things that are already in print. ↗
Prime Minister, I see you've already mastered the essential craft of the European politician, namely, the ability to say one thing in this chamber and a very different thing to your home electorate. ↗