I wanted to be an artist. I was studying art. I wanted to be a great painter. When I went into the Navy, there wasn't much to draw at sea. So I began writing, and I began reading a lot. ↗
A lot has been written about Tony Perkins and myself and I figured, Let's get it straight. I had a relationship with Tony for two to three years, but those are only threads in the tapestry of my whole life. ↗
For the source of any characteristic so widespread and uniform as this adaptation to environment we must go back to the very beginning of the human race. ↗
Geologists are rapidly becoming convinced that the mammals spread from their central Asian point of origin largely because of great variations in climate. ↗
The Indians could not undertake any widespread cultivation of the plains not only because they lacked iron tools but also because they had no draft animals. ↗
I always found when I was reading an interview with an actor that I wasn't interested in their political opinions - I just wanted to know what they'd had for breakfast. ↗
I mark a script like an exam, and I try not to do anything under 50 per cent. Similarly with the part. And also film is a peculiar thing, parts don't necessarily read in script form anything like as well as they can do when it comes to materialising. ↗