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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #provoking
साधेपणा किती उदात्त असू शकतो , हे आधुनिकतेच्या लाटेत नष्ट न होवो. ही खेडी अशी निष्पाप साधी उदार मनाची राहतील? राहतील. राहतील. हिंदू लोक काहीही फेकून देत नाहीत. सिंधुकाळापासून सगळी अडगळ आम्ही तळघरात गच्च जपून ठेवली आहे. सगळं तिथे अंधारात कुठेतरी ठेवलेलं असतं. ते न दिसू दे. न हरवू दे. स्मृतीतून सुद्धा जाऊ दे. काही बिघडत नाही. केव्हातरी सापडेलच. ↗
ह्या अर्थशून्य विश्वव्यापारात जाणीवा म्हणजे आपल्या नगण्य जगण्याला आधार देण्याच्या फारच कृत्रिम सबबी आहेत ! ↗
Many feel that writers are a dime a dozen, so the goal is to break through and make it to the value of a penny. ↗
#philosophical #thought-provoking-humourous #thought-provoking
Are the details of our lives who we are, or is it owning those details that makes the difference? (pg. 113) ↗
Look, it's a mainstream animated movie, and how often are those considered thought provoking? It's meant to be a great time at the theater, but it's also designed to work on more than one level. ↗
Mr. Chairman, the price for continuing this war is too high, not only in budgetary terms, but in American lives, Iraqi civilian casualties blamed on America and in the steady increase in the terrorist ranks that this war is provoking around the globe. ↗
Challenge a person's beliefs, and you challenge his dignity, standing, and power. And when those beliefs are based on nothing but faith, they are chronically fragile. No one gets upset about the belief that rocks fall down as opposed to up, because all sane people can see it with their own eyes. Not so for the belief that babies are born with original sin or that God exists in three persons or that Ali is the second-most divinely inspired man after Muhammad. When people organize their lives around these beliefs, and then learn of other people who seem to be doing just fine without them--or worse, who credibly rebut them--they are in danger of looking like fools. Since one cannot defend a belief based on faith by persuading skeptics it is true, the faithful are apt to react to unbelief with rage, and may try to eliminate that affront to everything that makes their lives meaningful. ↗