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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pray

A spontaneous prayer makes differences and does changes.

Toba Beta

#make-a-difference #spontaneous-prayer #change

It takes a habit to break a habit. You can pray every day for a generous heart, but until you start acting in that direction, nothing's going to change.

Andy Stanley

#prayer #regeneration #change

Nay, in many cases open denials of prayer prove the most excellent answers, and God's not hearing us is the most signal audience. Therefore at the foot of every prayer subscribe "thy will be done," and thou shalt enjoy preventing mercies that thou never soughtest, and converting mercies to change all for the best, resting confident in this, that having asked according to his will he heareth thee.

Samuel Lee

#mercy #prayer #will #change

Fill my mouth with the accuracy and potency of Your word and Spirit that I may make war through prayer with swift precision (Psalm 144:1).

Shawntel Jefferson

#kids-books #prayer #warfare-prayers #change

God instituted prayer to communicate to creatures the dignity of causality.

Blaise Pascal


More than happiness or joy or lower blood pressure, the practice of God’s presence gives us meaning. Through this practice we become more closely aligned with Jesus and we learn His desire for us more completely.Life can be hard. The Practice of The Presence of God makes it easier. As Brother Lawrence said, “There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God.

David Paul Kirkpatrick

#prayer #life

Prayer is inward communication with yourself; action is outward conversation with God.

Steve Maraboli

#god #prayer #communication

Start your day with and in prayer. Communicate with the Lord and listen for instructions. Hooking up, plugging into, and connecting to the POWER SOURCE each day will keep power outages and disconnections away!

Anita R. Sneed-Carter

#god #hookup #power #prayer #source

The more you concentration on God, the longer your conversation with him lasts and the holier his consacration will be on you. Let your communication with him be controlled by your committment.

Israelmore Ayivor

#concentrate #concentration #consecration #god #holy

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

#serenity-prayer #change

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