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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #possibilities

I believed totally in the possibilities implied in the series. I never thought of it as fantasy. Far from it.

Patrick Troughton

#fantasy #far #i #implied #never

Our minds of infinite possibilities have been plowed, seeded and cultivated by every word, institution and sacred belief we hold dear, to produce a foul harvest of exclusion, apathy, brute domination and death.

Bryant McGill

#beliefs #infinite-possibilities #mindfulness #death

Usually, Shakespeare gives me goose bumps. The guy knows everything. Like some ancient angel quill-ing out blueprints life. Hiding it in fiction. And usually I love the sound of the words, the way they dance on the page. Today, they fall flat. My attention bobbing in the cosmos. All free brain-space is marinating in gap month fizz. I chew my pen, candy-cane style. The million possibilities ahead make it hard to care about right now. I write my answers slowly, each letter carved in stone not ballpoint. I’m going to explore the world, find my passion, try everything! The fizz shoots up my spine and a smile sprouts.

Jolene Stockman

#inspiration #possibilities #shakespeare #inspirational

Cinema has opened a world of possibilities up for me.

Antonio Banderas

#me #opened #possibilities #up #world

The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.

Guy Finley

#possibilities #present #understanding #your

God has put within our lives meanings and possibilities that quite outrun the limits of mortality.

Harry Emerson Fosdick

#limits #lives #meanings #mortality #our

For future exploration, when we have the objective of going to the Moon, it is important to have several possibilities to go there, and within this framework of cooperation to have our own access to orbit around the Moon.


#around #cooperation #exploration #framework #future

I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.

Whoopi Goldberg

#because #believe #i #i am #i believe

For us to maintain our way of living, we must tell lies to each other and especially to ourselves. The lies are necessary because, without them, many deplorable acts would become impossibilities.

Derrick Jensen

#because #become #deplorable #each #especially

As one gets older one sees many more paths that could be taken. Artists sense within their own work that kind of swelling of possibilities, which may seem a freedom or a confusion.

Jasper Johns

#confusion #could #freedom #gets #kind

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