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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #plum

I was completely out of clean clothes. That meant I could be a slut and sleep naked , or I could be a slob and sleep in what I was wearing. Truth is, I'm not entirely comfortable sleeping naked. I do it from time to time, but I worry that God might be watching or that my mother might find out, and I'm pretty sure they both think nice girls should wear pyjamas to bed.

Janet Evanovich

#stephanie-plum #humor

Next time I fall in love it's going to be with someone who isn't an expert in fibbing." "You're in love with me?" "You didn't know that?" "I did, but it's nice to hear." "Scares the hell out of me.

Janet Evanovich

#stephanie-plum #love

Yeah. Almost as surprising as when you nailed me with your father's car." In the interest of avoiding confrontation, I felt compelled to explain. I didn't feel obliged to do it convincingly. "It was an accident. My foot slipped." "That was no accident. You jumped the goddamn curb and followed me down the sidewalk.

Janet Evanovich

#stephanie-plum #money

You deserved to get run over. And besides, I barely tapped you. The only reason you broke your leg was because you panicked and tripped over your own feet.

Janet Evanovich


Lula had Eminem cranked up. He was rapping about trailer park girls and how they go round the outside, and I was wondering what the heck that meant. I'm a white girl from Trenton. I don't know these things. I need a rap cheat sheet.

Janet Evanovich

#morelli #ranger #stephanie-plum #to-the-nines #cheating

You ever get any death threats? How about ex-husbands or ex-boyfriends? You run over anyone recently?” ~ Morelli

Janet Evanovich

#joe-morelli #morelli #stephanie-plum #death

I had an alarm, I had nerve gas, I had a yogurt. What more could anyone want?

Janet Evanovich


A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.

Arthur Baer

#pipes #plumber #source #their #traces

It's still about the women. It's not called Desperate Plumber. People are more interested in cat fights.

James Denton

#called #cat #desperate #fights #interested

I was never very good with either my hands or feet. It always seemed to me they'd just been stuck on as an afterthought during my making. Dreams didn't translate through sports, or music, dancing, carpentry, plumbing. I was the bookish kid, more at home in the pages of a fantasy than in the room in the town on the planet.

Steve Rasnic Tem

#carpentry #childhood #dancing #dreams #fantasy

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