If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system. ↗
I don't have a special place or ritual for writing songs, basically I write songs whenever an idea hits me, in my hotel room, on the road, in the plane. ↗
You only live once and you don't know it because of the everyday activities, but if you walk around knowing you only have one time on this planet, you'll make a whole lot more of it. ↗
My husband travels a lot with his job, so we have a lot of frequent flyer miles so we can hop on a plane with no notice. That's a nice luxury and he is very supportive. ↗
Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people. ↗