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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #pioneer

Our nation was built by pioneers - pioneers who accepted untold risks in pursuit of freedom, not by pioneers seeking offshore profits at the expense of American workers here at home.

Ted Strickland

#american #american workers #built #expense #freedom

Descendants of New England pioneers are proud of their ancestry and glad to proclaim the fact that so far as the United States are concerned, New England is in deed the cradle of religious liberty.

Paul Harris

#concerned #cradle #deed #descendants #england mind drifted to my family. I thought about how I had the opportunity to serve them. I didn’t have to carry them across a freezing river in the middle of a snowstorm or give them my food when they didn’t have enough. There would be other streams they would need help to cross, and I’d be there for them, always and in whatever way they needed me.

Mike Ericksen

#love #mormon #pioneer-trek #sacrifice #family

My grandfather, along with Carnegie, was a pioneer in philanthropy, which my father then practiced on a very large scale.

David Rockefeller

#along #carnegie #father #grandfather #large

There are few words in the music business or in art that I'll say people or some writers are overgenerous with words like 'legend' or 'genius', 'he's a pioneer' and all of that.

Stanley Clarke

#business #few #genius #i #legend

To me, Arnold was a pioneer in the spirit of Thomas Edison or Benjamin Franklin, while Tiger is a pioneer in the spirit of Bill Gates.

Mark McCormack

#benjamin #benjamin franklin #bill #bill gates #edison

Do whatever you do intensely. The artist is the man who leaves the crowd and goes pioneering. With him there is an idea which is his life.

Robert Henri

#intense-desire #pioneer #art

one day you stepped in snow, the next in mud, water soaked in your boots and froze them at night, it was the next worst thing to pure blizzardry, it was weather that wouldn't let you settle.

E.L. Doctorow

#frontier-and-pioneer-life #snow #weather #western #life

It is not easy to be a pioneer - but oh, it is fascinating! I would not trade one moment, even the worst moment, for all the riches in the world.

Elizabeth Blackwell

#even #fascinating #i #moment #oh

Well, if you look at the programme that we're offering, I think that is a future which is fair for women as well as men. We're still heavily outnumbered - we're still four to one in parliament - but we are pioneers! We are forging a new path.

Harriet Harman

#forging #four #future #heavily #i

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