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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #party

I never knew my father. I saw him at a party once, but he never walked over and introduced himself to me.

Jarod Kintz

#father #funny #humor #introduce #introduction

Vergnügen ist ein Lied der Freiheit, - Aber es ist keine Freiheit.

Kahlil Gibran

#party #freedom

Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell.

Criss Jami

#funny-but-true #hell #humor #introversion #introvert

Drug addicts are so funny that way. Just spinning around, lost in their own little world. Doing so much, accomplishing so little. How sad.

James St. James

#drugs #james-st-james #party-monster #funny

Ah college years, those were the days. Pure freedom ... leaving home for the first time…the parties…” "What about the tutorials, the lectures, the large building with all the books called the ‘library’?” “Is that what those were?” Gerry blithely replied.

E.A. Bucchianeri

#college #colleges #funny #humor #humour

Unless the Labour leadership candidates decide to settle the issue through televised mud-wrestling (Adam Boulton, I think, for referee, and he may even take part) they will find it hard to gain massive attention for their utterances. Nor would the wannabes be wise to sign up to Lord Adonis's optimistic gloom about the coalition not lasting. Watching David Laws this week going about deficit reduction with an avidity bordering on the erotic, I realised that there are very good reasons why the centre should hold.

David Aaronovitch

#david-laws #labour-party #leadership

I'm the girl nobody knows until she commits suicide. Then suddenly everyone had a class with her.

Tom Leveen

#girl #life #party #school #suicide

When you're the most happening person at the party, it's time to leave

Kelly Cutrone

#party #people #life

A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.

John Stuart Mill

#elements #healthy #life #necessary #order

This piece of rudeness was more than Alice could bear: she got up in great disgust, and walked off; the Dormouse fell asleep instantly, and neither of the others took the least notice of her going, though she looked back once or twice, half hoping that they would call after her: the last time she saw them, they were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot. At any rate I'll never go THERE again!' said Alice as she picked her way through the wood. "It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!

Lewis Carroll


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