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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #others

Let me know myself; let others guess at me.

Joseph Hall

#know #me #myself #others

The woman looked out at the madness of the world and dared to hope. Her eyes were burning coals of stars.

Rivera Sun

#hope #inspirational #mothers #stars #strength

*marissa tries to get her single, working mother's attention by suggesting something outrageous, to which mom replies:* 'You're a smart girl. Use your head and avoid any guy who reminds you of your father.

Camille Noe Pagán

#fathers #humor #mothers #parenting #art

Take the situation of a scientist solving a problem, where he has certain data, which call for certain responses. Some of this set of data call for his applying such and such a law, while others call for another law.

George Herbert Mead

#applying #call #certain #data #his

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

Audrey Hepburn

#alone #beautiful #eyes #good #kindness

Womanhood is a wonderful thing. In womankind we find the mothers of the race.There is no man so great, nor none sunk so low, but once he lay a helpless, innocent babe in a woman's arms and was dependent on her love and care for his existence. It is woman who rocks the cradle of the world and holds the first affections of mankind. She possesses a power beyond that of a king on his throne. ...Womanhood stands for all that is pure and clean and noble. She who does not make the world better for having lived in it has failed to be all that a woman should be.

Mabel Hale

#mothers #women #beauty

I knew it was beautiful, but knowing something is beautiful and caring about it are two very different things, and I didn't care.

Maureen Johnson

#sarcasm #beauty

I wondered if my smile was as big as hers. Maybe as big. But not as beautiful.

Benjamin Alire Sáenz

#mothers #mums #smile #smiles #beauty

Stories are masks of God. That's a story, too, of course. I made it up, in collaborations with Joseph Campbell and Scheherazade, Jesus and the Buddha and the Brother's Grimm. Stories show us how to bear the unbearable, approach the unapproachable, conceive the inconceiveable. Stories provide meaning, texture, layers and layers of truth. Stories can also trivialize. Offered indelicately, taken too literally, stories become reductionist tools, rendering things neat and therefore false. Even as we must revere and cherish the masks we variously create, Campbell reminds us, we must not mistake the masks of God for God. So it seemes to me that one of the most vital things we can teach our children is how to be storytellers. How to tell stories that are rigorously, insistently, beautifully true. And how to believe them.

Melanie Tem

#buddha #children #god #jesus #joseph-campbell

It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

#life #beauty

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