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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #organ

Those of us who are today prepared to hazard our lives for the cause would regret having raised a finger, if we were able to organize only a new social system and not a more righteous one.

Theodor Herzl

#cause #finger #having #hazard #lives

Today we are united, strong and on the move. Today we have a strong strike fund. Today we have the resources to run large-scale organizing campaigns against global employers. Today we have $100 million in the bank.

James P. Hoffa

#bank #campaigns #employers #fund #global

The human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts to work as soon as you are born and doesn't stop until you get up to deliver a speech.

George Jessel

#brain #deliver #get #human #human brain

I think a reason that a lot of people feel politically paralysed is that it used to be clear how power was organised. But those who have their hands on the levers of popular culture today have great power - and it isn't even clear who they are.

Susan Faludi

#culture #even #feel #great #great power

Evolutionary biologists are not content merely to explain how variation occurs within limits, however. They aspire to answer a much broader question-which is how complex organisms like birds, and flowers, and human beings came into existence in the first place.

Phillip E. Johnson

#aspire #beings #biologists #birds #broader

At Leeds the idea of an international labour organization appeared in a trade-union text which also drew attention to the danger to the working classes inherent in the existence of international capitalist competition.

Leon Jouhaux

#appeared #attention #capitalist #classes #competition

Expressing the thoughts of my comrades, I suggested, among other means, the organization of an international information service on inventories, on production, and on the needs of the various countries for raw materials.

Leon Jouhaux

#comrades #countries #expressing #i #information

To the extent that these advanced weapons or their components are treated as articles of commerce, perhaps for peaceful uses as in the Plowshare program, their cost would be well within the resources available to many large private organizations.

Herman Kahn

#articles #available #commerce #components #cost

I was trying to figure out what to do next, I'd been accumulating ideas for productivity tools - software people could use every day, particularly to help organize their lives.

Mitch Kapor

#could #day #every #every day #figure

I am happy to donate funds to various organizations that help people in need.

Carl Karcher

#donate #funds #happy #help #help people

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