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Danes bi dejal, da me je srednji vek privlačil zaradi dveh razlogov. Najprej zaradi poklicnih razlogov. Odločil sem postati zgodovinar po poklicu. Prakticiranje večine znanosti je brez dvoma stvar profesionalcev, strokovnjakov. Zgodovinska znanost ni tako ekskluzivna. Četudi gre po mojem mnenju za razpravo, ki je pomembna za naš čas, ko mediji omogočajo malone vsakomur pripovedovati ali pisati zgodovino v podobah ali v besedah, se ne bom lotil vprašanja kakovosti zgodovinske produkcije. Nikakršnega monopola ne zahteva za znanstvene zgodovinarje. Diletanti in vulganizatorji zgodovine so po svoje dopadljivi in koristni; njihova uspešnost pa kaže, kako močno potrebo občutijo današnji ljudje, da bi se udeleževali kolektivnega spomina. Želim si, da bi zgodovina ob tem, ko bo postala bolj znanstvena, lahko še zmeraj ostala umetnost. Če hočemo hraniti spomin ljudi, potrebujemo prav toliko okusa, stila in strasti kakor strogosti in metode. Zgodovino delamo z dokumenti in idejami, z viri in z domišljijo. ↗
#history #medieval-history #srednji-vek #umetnost #za-drugačen-srednji-vek
Na escola, a mediocridade vem regada à busca de novas teorias pedagógicas (normalmente com baixíssimo impacto ou possibilidade de verificação de suas premissas); na universidade, vem vestida de burocracia da produtividade e corporativismo de bando; na arte, nos discursos contemporâneos sobre a "destruição da forma". Modos distintos de "fazer nada" ocupando tempo e gerando institucionalização e papo-furado cheio de jargão técnico. ↗
Typically, during recessionary times, particular groups suffer higher rates of unemployment -African Americans, and Latinos, and in some cases other minority groups. If you don't have a high level of training or education you're going to fall into that category. ↗
Comely was the town by the curving river that they dismantled in a year's time. Beautiful was Colleton in her last spring as she flung azaleas like a girl throwing rice at a desperate wedding. In dazzling profusion, Colleton ripened in a gauze of sweet gardens and the town ached beneath a canopy of promissory fragrance. ↗
Theatres are curious places, magician's trick-boxes where the golden memories of dramtic triumphs linger like nostalgic ghosts, and where the unexplainable, the fantastic, the tragic, the comic and the absurd are routine occurences on and off the stage. Murders, mayhem, politcal intrigue, lucrative business, secret assignations, and of course, dinner. ↗
Anyway, those things would not have lasted long. The experience of the years shows it to me. But Destiny arrived in some haste and stopped them. The beautiful life was brief. But how potent were the perfumes, On how splendid a bed we lay, To what sensual delight we gave our bodies. An echo of the days of pleasure, An echo of the days drew near me, A little of the fire of the youth of both of us, Again I took in my hands a letter, And I read and reread till the light was gone. And melancholy, I came out on the balcony Came out to change my thoughts at least by looking at A little of the city that I loved, A little movement on the street and in the shops. Translated by Rae Dalven ↗