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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #neutralit

We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

Elie Wiesel

#helps #must #neutrality #never #oppressor

In the relationship between man and religion, the state is firmly committed to a position of neutrality.

Tom C. Clark

#committed #firmly #man #neutrality #position

The problem is neutrality ends in poverty, neutrality ends in choices that hurt people's lives. This administration is deliberately telling organizations that are there to help young girls make good choices, not to tell them what the good choice is. That is absolutely unconscionable.

Rick Santorum

#administration #choice #choices #deliberately #ends

Even to observe neutrality you must have a strong government.

Alexander Hamilton

#government #must #neutrality #observe #strong

For her, sex was nothing more than an itch. And this phsychological and physiological neutrality of hers at once relieved her of so many human emotions and sentiments and desires. Sexual neutrality was the essence of coldness in an individual. It was a great and wonderful thing to be born with.

Ian Fleming

#desire #emotion #neutrality #sentiment #sex

Désormais, sous prétexte de laïcité, tous les discours se valent : l’erreur et la vérité, le faux et le vrai, le fantasque et le sérieux. Le mythe et la fable pèsent autant que la raison. La magie compte autant que la science. Le rêve autant que la réalité. Or tous les discours ne se valent pas : ceux de la névrose, de l’hystérie et du mysticisme procèdent d’un autre monde que celui du positiviste. Pas plus qu’on ne doit renvoyer dos à dos bourreau et victime, bien et mal, on ne doit tolérer la neutralité, la bienveillance affichée pour la totalité des régimes de discours, y compris ceux des pensées magiques. Faut-il rester neutre ? Doit-on rester neutre ? A-t-on encore les moyens de ce luxe ? Je ne crois pas...

Michel Onfray

#neutralité #relativisme #science

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.

Dante Alighieri

#crisis #darkest #hell #maintain #moral

The next generation of innovators, who need neutrality the most, are not at the bargaining table. They're hard at work in their labs or classrooms, dreaming of the next big thing, and hoping that the Internet is as open to them as it was to the founders of Google.

Edward Felten

#big #big thing #classrooms #dreaming #founders

Neutrality is a negative word. It does not express what America ought to feel. We are not trying to keep out of trouble; we are trying to preserve the foundations on which peace may be rebuilt.

Woodrow Wilson

#does #express #feel #foundations #keep

The Chancellor also in effect asks us to bargain away whatever obligation or interest we have as regards the neutrality of Belgium. We could not entertain that bargain either.

Edward Grey

#asks #away #bargain #belgium #chancellor

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