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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #murder

Hef ég drepið mann eða hef ég ekki drepið mann? Hver hefur drepið mann og hver hefur ekki drepið mann? Hvenær drepur maður mann og hvenær drepur maður ekki mann? Fari í helvíti sem ég drap mann. Og þó.

Halldór Laxness

#humour #murder #Íslandsklukkan #death

Then without any warning the car stopped. They were there. "The ride's over," someone said. "End of the ride." For a moment nobody got out. They just sat there. The driver cut the ignition, and after that there was silence. Complete, uncanny silence, more frightening than the most threatening noise or violence could have been. Night silence. A silence that had death in it. ("The Number's Up")

Cornell Woolrich

#death #murder #night #silence #death

Her eyes narrowing, she turned her attention back to where Stephanie stood with Ben, feeling her own pain turn to intense fury. “Dominic knew her so damn well because he was usually thinking the same thing. She was his female version – two halves fitting perfectly together,” Gena spat out, anger inflected in her voice. “Like him, she’s reckless and like him, once she gets something into her head nothing or no one will change her mind.” Her fury revealed itself in her eyes, as she spat out, “And, like him, she’s going to get herself killed.” - Gena Evans, Nowhere to Run

Nina D'Angelo

#crime #death #love #mayhem #murder-mystery

It is a terrible thing to witness death by violence, a thousand times worse to hold a man’s life in your own hands and to willingly, consciously take it from him. Acknowledged or not, something noble has been scoured from your insides, never to be replaced. You saved a friend’s life, and there lies ample justification. But never peace, never balance, never the same. At least that is how it seems to me.

Andrew Levkoff

#murder #violence #death

There are, fortunately, very few people who can say that they have actually attended a murder.

Margery Allingham

#crime #detective #murder #death

In its own way the kiss had been an act of murder.

Jeff Lindsay

#murder #dreams

Witnesses in my dream can place me in my bed, asleep, at the time of the murder.

Jarod Kintz

#dream #funny #murder #dreams

…is methodical abuse, often using indoctrination, aimed at breaking the will of another human being. In a 1989 report, the Ritual Abuse Task Force of the L.A. County Commission for Women defined ritual abuse as: “Ritual Abuse usually involves repeated abuse over an extended period of time. The physical abuse is severe, sometimes including torture and killing. The sexual abuse is usually painful,humiliating, intended as a means of gaining dominance over the victim.The psychological abuse is devastating and involves the use of ritual indoctrination. It includes mind control techniques which convey to the victim a profound terror of the cult members …most victims are in a state of terror, mind control and dissociation” (Pg. 35-36)

Chrystine Oksana

#abuse-of-power #cult #dissociation #fear #healing

Nobody owns life, but anyone who can pick up a frying pan owns death.

William S. Burroughs

#murder #death

Men should think twice before making widowhood women's only path to power.

Gloria Steinem

#feminism #men #murder #widowhood #women

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