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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #mph

So always, if we look back, concern for face-to-face morality, and its modern emphasis on justice as well, have historically evolved as religious issues.

Huston Smith

#back #concern #emphasis #evolved #face-to-face

I tend to think of action movies as exuberant morality plays in which good triumphs over evil.

Sylvester Stallone

#action movies #evil #exuberant #good #i

To live for a principle, for the triumph of some reform by which all mankind are to be lifted up to be wedded to an idea may be, after all, the holiest and happiest of marriages.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

#happiest #holiest #idea #lifted #live

The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy.

Ben Stein

#achieve #be happy #happy #human #human spirit

Revolution is a trivial shift in the emphasis of suffering.

Tom Stoppard

#revolution #shift #suffering #trivial

In pure literature, the writers of the eighteenth century achieved, indeed, many triumphs; but their great, their peculiar, triumphs were in the domain of thought.

Lytton Strachey

#century #domain #eighteenth #eighteenth century #great

The genius of the French language, descended from its single Latin stock, has triumphed most in the contrary direction - in simplicity, in unity, in clarity, and in restraint.

Lytton Strachey

#contrary #descended #direction #french #french language

I think the best American poetry is the poetry that utilizes the resources of poetry rather than exploits the defects or triumphs of the poet's personality.

Mark Strand

#best #defects #exploits #i #i think

Furthermore, it is significant that the marked characteristics of this race are being here emphasized most.

Josiah Strong

#characteristics #emphasized #furthermore #here #marked

And I think that that emphasis on keeping a family together, alike, I think it's important.

Janet Suzman

#emphasis #family #i #i think #important

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