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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #mma

Much of our food system depends on our not knowing much about it, beyond the price disclosed by the checkout scanner; cheapness and ignorance are mutually reinforcing. And it's a short way from not knowing who's at the other end of your food chain to not caring–to the carelessness of both producers and consumers that characterizes our economy today. Of course, the global economy couldn't very well function without this wall of ignorance and the indifference it breeds. This is why the American food industry and its international counterparts fight to keep their products from telling even the simplest stories–"dolphin safe," "humanely slaughtered," etc.–about how they were produced. The more knowledge people have about the way their food is produced, the more likely it is that their values–and not just "value"–will inform their purchasing decisions.

Michael Pollan

#dilemma #food-chain #food-regulation #food-safety #ignorance

She went in the pool," she finished for me. "Ohmigod. She was killed while tweeting. It was Twittercide!

Gemma Halliday

#gemma-halliday #lol #social-suicide #twitter #twitter

You're Nash's brother. And a grim reaper?" She blinked again, and I readied myself for hysterics, or fear, or laughter. But knowing emma, I should have known better. "So you, what? Kill people? Did you kill me that day in the gym?" She clenched the headrest, her expression an odd mix of anger, awe, and confusion. But there was no disbelief. She'd seen and heard enough of the bizarre following her own temporary death that Tod's admission obviously didn't come as that much of a surprise. Or maybe Nash's Influence was still affecting her a little. "No," Tod shook his head firmly, but the corners of his mouth turned up in amusement. "I had nothing to do with that. I do kill people, then I reap their souls and take them to be recycled. But only people who are on my list." "So, you're not...dangerous?" His pouty grin deepened into something almost predatory, like the Tod I'd first met two months earlier. "Oh, I'm dangerous...." "Tod..." I warned, as Nash punched his brother in the arm, hard enough to actually hurt. "Just not to you," the reaper finished, shrugging at Emma. "I see you all the time, but you've never seen me, because Kaylee said if I got too close to you, I'd suffer eternity without my balls." "Jeez, Tod!" I shouted, my anger threatening to boil over and scald us all. The reaper leaned closer to Emma and spoke in a stage whisper. "She's not as scary as she thinks she is, but I respect her intent.

Rachel Vincent

#emma #funny #grim-reapers #tod #anger

I don't know the rules of grammar. If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language.

David Ogilvy

#grammar #humour #advertising

Then suddenly, he was struck by a powerful but simple little truth, and it was this: that English grammar is governed by rules that are almost mathematical in their strictness!

Roald Dahl


She just got out of the hospital. Why don't you go gossip behind her back, like decent people?

Rachel Vincent


You have attained maturity; display it for us, if you please.

MaryJanice Davidson


The rule is: don’t use commas like a stupid person. I mean it.

Lynne Truss

#grammar #stupid #tolerance

It's hard to take someone seriously when they leave you a note saying, 'Your ugly.' My ugly what? The idiot didn't even know the difference between your and you're.

Cara Lynn Shultz


I just practically begged him to kiss me, and he’s critiquing my grammar?

Colleen Hoover

#sky-and-holder #sky-davis #grammar

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