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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #mma

Everything that I'm attempting to do is based on my understanding of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and what he wanted for his people.

Louis Farrakhan

#based #elijah #everything #his #honorable

The die is set and Malcolm will not escape for the foolish talk he spoke against his benefactor, such a man, is worthy of death, and it would have been so, were it not for Muhammad's confidence that God would give him the victory over the enemies.

Louis Farrakhan

#been #benefactor #confidence #death #die

I was raised in Hollywood and knew, from as early as grammar school, classmates who were in the business.

Mike Farrell

#classmates #early #grammar #grammar school #hollywood

If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.

Edmund Burke

#commands #free #indeed #our #poor

In most films music is brought in at the end, after the picture is more or less locked, to amplify the emotions the filmmaker wants you to feel.

Ken Burns

#amplify #brought #emotions #end #feel

'Hunger' definitely changed my life, in terms of being recognized by filmmakers, since that was very much a filmmakers' film.

Michael Fassbender

#changed #definitely #film #filmmakers #hunger

I like my teammates.

Brett Favre

#like #teammates

The party now is having my kids laugh and my wife laugh and my teammates. I want them to see me have fun and put it in a different way.

Brett Favre

#different way #fun #have fun #having #i

I am acquainted with no immaterial sensuality so delightful as good acting.

Lord Byron

#acting #am #delightful #good #good acting

I sum up the prospects for 1967 in three short sentences. We are back on course. The ship is picking up speed. The economy is moving. Every seaman knows the command at such a moment: 'steady as she goes'.

James Callaghan

#command #course #economy #every #goes

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