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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #miner

I know I'm not a coal miner, but I do long hours and I never complain, and there is nowhere else I'd rather be. So, yeah, that's how I'd define myself. I want to do it right, and prove people wrong once and for all about the myth of child stars.

Daniel Radcliffe

#child #coal #complain #define #else

It proved easier to buy the farm to get the mineral rights than to buy the coal rights alone.

Orville Redenbacher

#buy #coal #easier #farm #get

I think someone in the union has the right to a private vote, and that's why I'm anti-card check. I grew up in a union family. My grandfather was a coal miner; he was in the union.

Jim Renacci

#coal #family #grandfather #grew #i

But at the same time I went down into the mines with working miners who are still young men, younger than I am, who are aware that their working life is coming to an end and they feel suddenly cut off.

Martin C. Smith

#aware #coming #cut #down #end

Well, I'll tell you, one of things I'm proud of is for someone from Southern California, who didn't grow up around coal mines, I learned a lot that tragic day we lost twenty-nine miners at Upper Big Branch coal mine.

Hilda Solis

#big #branch #california #coal #day

God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man.

Arthur Young

#awakens #god #man #minerals #plants

We teachers are rather good at magic, you know.

J.K. Rowling


I think so,' said Professor McGonagall dryly, 'we teachers are rather good at magic, you know.

J.K. Rowling

#minerva-mcgonagall #death

Here, are the stiffening hills, here, the rich cargo Congealed in the dark arteries, Old veins That hold Glamorgan's blood. The midnight miner in the secret seams, Limb, life, and bread. - Rhondda Valley

Mervyn Peake

#coal #coal-miner #glamorgan #hills #miners

And I will never, ever respond to anybody - man, woman, vegetable, or mineral - who tells me to keep my mouth shut.

Janice Dickinson

#ever #i #keep #man #me

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