In country music the lyric is important and the melodies get a little more complex all the time, and you hear marvelous new singers who are interested in writing and interpreting a lyric and in all form of popular music. ↗
I wasn't writing the music. Ed would write a piece of music. I'd listen to it and come up with a melody and then we would arrange it. We'd put it together and I would write lyrics to my melodies. ↗
Die Maisonne schien hell durch das schmale Giebelfenster; Staub rieselte in glitzernden Fäden von den Balken. Die zirpenden Töne wiegten sich darauf, und die kleine, sehnsüchtige Melodie drang in jede Nische. ↗
A song that sounds simple is just not that easy to write. One of the objectives of this record was to try and write melodies that continue to resonate. ↗
Singing beautiful melodies is one thing, but to deliver the text so that the people understand it, even in a foreign language, has to be worked at very hard. ↗