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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #mann

Only 12 managers have lasted more than three years with the Indians, and only three of those who did last longer than three years managed to do so without a winning record. The Indians have made strides in many areas the last three years and the shifts and changes amongst the coaching staff resulted in a highly respected group that was anxious and ready to guide the Tribe back to the postseason, but unfortunately it never materialized. Turns out the three-year threshold is a pretty solid limit for how patient an organization is when it comes to managers, and the gains made in 2011 were completely lost and then some in 2012. Acta’s tenure with the club came to an end with six games left on the 2012 schedule. He ranks 13th in franchise history for games managed, but any optimisim regarding the Tribe in 2013 will rest squarely with new hire Terry Francona.

Tucker Elliot

#baseball-quotes #baseball-stats #cleveland-indians #major-league-baseball #manny-acta

When you stop to examine the way in which our words are formed and uttered, our sentences are hard-put to it to survive the disaster of their slobbery origins. The mechanical effort of conversation is nastier and more complicated than defecation. That corolla of bloated flesh, the mouth, which screws itself up to whistle, which sucks in breath, contorts itself, discharges all manner of viscous sounds across a fetid barrier of decaying teeth—how revolting! Yet that is what we are adjured to sublimate into an ideal. It's not easy. Since we are nothing but packages of tepid, half-rotted viscera, we shall always have trouble with sentiment. Being in love is nothing, its sticking together that's difficult. Feces on the other hand make no attempt to endure or grow. On this score we are far more unfortunate than shit; our frenzy to persist in ourpresent state—that's the unconscionable torture. Unquestionably we worship nothing more divine than our smell. All our misery comes from wanting at all costs to go on being Tom, Dick, or Harry, year in year out. This body of ours, this disguise put on by common jumping molecules, is in constant revolt against the abominable farce of having to endure. Our molecules, the dears, want to get lost in the universe as fast as they can! It makes them miserable to be nothing but 'us,' the jerks of infinity. We'd burst if we had the courage, day after day we come very close to it. The atomic torture we love so is locked up inside us by our pride.

Louis-Ferdinand Céline


Kate lost a mother," I said, "but I lost a nothing." Kate doesn't feel that way," Jack assured me. But what about everybody else besides Kate? How can I ever explain to anyone what she was when she and I had no name? People need names for everything. I wasn't a relative or a friend, I was just an object of her kindness." He wiped my cheeks, saying Ssshh. I buried my face in his shoulder. True kindness is stabilizing," I went on. "When you feel it and when you express it, it becomes the whole meaning of things. Like all there is to achieve. It's life, demystified. A place out of self, a network of simple pleasures, not a waltz, but like whirls within a waltz." You're the one now," Jack said definitively. "That's why you met her. She had something she had to pass on." (p. 95)

Hilary Thayer Hamann

#evie #grief #hamann #jack #kindness

There is something sad about people going to bed. You can see they don’t give a damn whether they’re getting what they want out of life or not, you can see they don’t ever try to understand what we’re here for. They just don’t care. Americans or not, they sleep no matter what, they’re bloated mollusks, no sensibility, no trouble with their conscience. I’d seen too many troubling things to be easy in my mind. I knew too much and not enough. I’d better go out, I said to myself, I’d better go out again. Maybe I’ll meet Robinson. Naturally that was an idiotic idea, but I dreamed it up as an excuse for going out again, because no matter how I tossed and turned on my narrow bed, I couldn’t snatch the tiniest scrap of sleep. Even masturbation, at times like that, provides neither comfort nor entertainment. Then you're really in despair.

Louis-Ferdinand Céline


I was a witness of the execution at Horsemonger-lane this morning. ... I believe that a sight so inconceivably awful as the wickedness and levity of the immense crowd collected at that execution this morning could be imagined by no man, and could be presented in no heathen land under the sun. The horrors of the gibbet and of the crime which brought the wretched murderers to it, faded in my mind before the atrocious bearing, looks and language, of the assembled spectators. ... When the two miserable creatures who attracted all this ghastly sight about them were turned quivering into the air, there was no more emotion, no more pity, no more thought that two immortal souls had gone to judgment, no more restraint in any of the previous obscenities, than if the name of Christ had never been heard in this world, and there were no belief among men but that they perished like beasts.

Charles Dickens

#mr-and-mrs-manning #public-executions #imagination

Marcel ise şöyle öldü: Bir gün bütün berduşların Paris'in kent manzarasından silinmelerine karar verilmişti. Sosyal yardım örgütü, aynı zamanda kentin doğru dürüst bir görünümde olmasıyla da ilgilenen ve düşünülebilecek en resmi nitelikteki sosyal yardım örgütünün ilgilileri, polisle birlikte Rue Monge'a geldiler, tek istedikleri, yaşlı adamları yaşama geri döndürmek, dolayısıyla da yaşama hazır olsunlar diye önce yıkayıp paklamaktı. Marcel yerinden kalkıp onlarla birlikte gitti, çok sakin bir adamdı, birkaç kadeh şarap sonra bile hâlâ bilge ve uysal kalabilen bir insandı. Gelmelerini o gün büyük bir olasılıkla hiç umursamamıştı, belki de caddedeki iyi yerine, metronun sıcak havasının mazgallardan dışarı çıktığı yere geri dönebileceğini düşünüyordu. Ama kamunun esenliği için yapılmış olan, içinde çok sayıda duşun bulunduğu yıkanma salonunda sıra Marcel'e de geldi, onu duşun altına soktular ve duş hiç kuşkusuz ne fazla sıcak, ne de fazla soğuktu, ama Marcel yıllardan beri ilk kez çıplaktı ve ilk kez suyun altına girmişti. Daha kimse durumu kavrayıp yardımına koşamadan düştü ve hemen oracıkta öldü. Ne demek istediğimi anlıyor musun! Malina, biraz ne yapacağını şaşırmış gibi bakıyor, oysa ne yapacağını asla şaşırmaz. Bu öyküyü anlatmayabilirdim. Ama duşu bir defa daha hissediyorum, Marcel'in üstündeki neleri yıkamaya hakları yoktu, bunu biliyorum. Eğer bir insan kendi mutluluğun buharları arasında yaşıyorsa, eğer bir insanın "Allah sizden razı olsun"un dışında söyleyecek pek sözü yoksa, o zaman o insanı yıkamaya kalkışmamalı, o insan için iyi olanı o insanın üstünden yıkayıp akıtmamalı, birini olmayan bir yaşam için arındırmaya kalkışmamalı...

Ingeborg Bachmann

#inspirational-quotes #malina #inspirational

When a tree is polled, it will sprout new shoots nearer its roots. A soul that is ruined in the bud will frequently return to the springtime of its beginnings and its promise-filled childhood, as though it could discover new hopes there and retie the broken threads of life. The shoots grow rapidly and eagerly, but it is only a sham life that will never be a genuine tree.

Hermann Hesse

#hermann-hesse #maturity #roots #soul #youth

As long as you're better at it than skating...," Anna said and stood up too. She wanted to say more, but that wasn't possible because he was kissing her. Reasonable Anna wanted to draw back the danger of touch. But unreasonable Anna welcomed the kiss like happiness. Maybe, she thought, it's better to take these moments when you get them - there might not be too many in life.

Antonia Michaelis

#anna-and-abel #anna-leemann #kissing #life

Happiness is not only a hope, but also in some strange manner a memory ... we are all kings in exile.

G.K. Chesterton

#exile #happiness #home #manners

And loneliness. I should say something of loneliness. The panic, the sweeping hysteria that comes not when you are without others, but when you are without yourself, adrift. I should describe the filthy province of mind, the blighted district inside, the place so crowded you cannot raise the lids of your eyes. Your shoulders are drawn and your head has fallen and your chest is bruised by the constant assault of your heart. (p. 37)

Hilary Thayer Hamann

#loneliness #hilarious

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