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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #mac

Certain foods no longer agree with me. If I eat French fries, I might feel sick to my stomach.

Carnie Wilson

#certain #eat #feel #foods #french

Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life. Witness the fact that in the Lord's Prayer, the first petition is for daily bread. No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.

Woodrow Wilson

#business #daily #daily bread #empty #empty stomach

A Mac is a closed box, so Apple can make decisions about things that they don't include. That makes, it in some ways, simpler for them.

Robert Wise

#apple #box #closed #decisions #include

Broadway purists may deplore the influx of movie-spinoff musicals in recent years, wishing someone would turn off the popcorn machine and let more imaginative brainstorms blow through.

James Wolcott

#broadway #deplore #imaginative #influx #machine

Feature-length film comedy is harder to pull off than the episodic sitcom - it doesn't have the same factory machinery up and running, teams of writers putting familiar characters through permutations - but that doesn't explain the widening quality gap that makes movie humor look like a genetic defective.

James Wolcott

#comedy #defective #episodic #explain #factory

I remember the beginnings of the Kurzweil reading machine. I was one of the first to meet Ray Kurzweil and purchase the reading machine in Boston. To think that the machine was at least two and a half large suitcases at the time, and now you have a camera and it takes a picture and you have sound.

Stevie Wonder

#boston #camera #first #half #i

Even then, Vanderbilt was the premiere place for clinical pharmacology.

Alastair Wood

#even #pharmacology #place #premiere #then

When I saw 'The Player', I came out with knots in my stomach because it was so true to my experience.

Douglas Wood

#came #experience #i #i came #knots

My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery - always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud. And why? What's this passion for?

Virginia Woolf

#brain #buried #buzzing #diving #humming

One of the Life Saving men snapped the camera for us, taking a picture just as the machine had reached the end of the track and had risen to a height of about two feet.

Orville Wright

#camera #end #feet #had #height

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