We can no longer let the threat of an early frost send a chill of fear throughout a large portion of our workforce. Diversification is the only answer. ↗
There were scenes that just for length purposes, and knowing that the attention span of kids is not great, don't make it much longer than about 90 minutes. ↗
Thousands of cities in America are crying out for relief from the burden of illegal immigration. Small towns like mine can no longer wait for Washington. ↗
If a man or woman has something redone it is because he or she can no longer live with that part of their body, it is no longer bearable. Either they get help and find the strength to fight or they proceed with the act. ↗
I'm a dad, and I no longer see a way for my kids to even inherit the money that I'm making, let alone go out there, have an idea, and create it in their own lifetime. ↗