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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #literary

The truth is not that we need the critics in order to enjoy the authors, but that we need the authors in order to enjoy the critics.

C.S. Lewis

#literary-theory #literary-criticism

Critics in New York are made by their dislikes, not by their enthusiasms.

Irwin Shaw

#new-york-city #literary-criticism

Literature is news which stays news.

Ezra Pound

#poetry #literary-criticism

To literary critics a book is assumed to be guilty until it proves itself innocent.

Nelson Algren

#criticism #critics #literature #writing #literary-criticism

The history of literature is very far from being one of simple progress.

C.S. Lewis


In reality the puritans and the humanists were quite often the same people.

C.S. Lewis


I have tried to write about politics in an allusive manner that draws upon other interests and to approach literature and criticism without ignoring the political dimension. Even if I have failed in this synthesis, I have found the attempt worth making.

Christopher Hitchens

#literature #politics #literary-criticism

We have so long been subject to external criticism that we don’t know how to react to internal criticism, because whereas the most enduring, positive and sensible response to the former is a united front – you shall not divide us, here we stand – responding to the latter is an entirely different ballgame. This is my fear: that as a community, we don’t know how to critique ourselves, and that this is dong us damage. Criticism, and specifically the criticism of both literary publications and the mainstream press, has so long been the weapon of the enemy that our first response on seeing it wielded internally is to call it the work of traitors. We have found strength in the creation of our own conventions and the hallowing of our own legends, flourishing to such an extent that, even if we are not yet accepted into the mainstream literary establishment, we are nonetheless part of the cultural mainstream. We are written about inaccurately, yet we are written about; and if there ever was a time when the whole genre seemed a precarious, faddish endeavour, then that time is surely past. Blog post: Criticism in SFF and YA

Foz Meadows

#sff #ya #literary-criticism

So much of literary sci-fi is about creating worlds that are rich and detailed and make sense at a social level. We'll create a world for people and then later present a narrative in that world.

James Cameron

#create #creating #detailed #later #level

When I was in college, I was the editor of the literary magazine and insisted neither the editors nor the writers be specifically identified-only our student numbers appeared on the title page. I love that idea and still do.

Jonathan Carroll

#college #editor #editors #i #i love

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