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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #liter

I have been told by a member of the board of one of Canada's most prominent literary magazines that a submission of mine once caused a great deal of controversy.

John Barton

#board #canada #caused #controversy #deal

Everyone’s talking about the death and disappearance of the book as a format and an object. I don’t think that will happen. I think whatever happens, we have to figure out a way to protect our imaginations. Stories and poetry do that. You need a language in this world. People want words, they want to hear their situation in language, and find a way to talk about it. It allows you to find a language to talk about your own pain. If you give kids a language, they can use it. I think that’s what these educators fear. If you really educate these kids, they aren’t going to punch you in the face, they are going to challenge you with your own language.

Jeanette Winterson

#literacy #online-interview #power-of-reading #reading #death

I read Russian literature a lot.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

#literature #lot #read #russian

In greatness, life and death merge.

Dejan Stojanovic

#dejan-stojanovic #greatness #life #literature #literature-quotes

And I also serve on a caucus that addresses financial literacy for young people in this country. And it is so hypocritical that we want to talk to these kids about how to better manage their money when we are not doing a good job with our Nation's resources.

Melissa Bean

#also #better #caucus #country #doing

I think any good literature, whether it's for children or for adults, will appeal to everybody. As far as children's literature goes, adults should be able to read it and enjoy it as much as a child would.

Amber Benson

#any #appeal #as far as #child #children

The study of social progress is today not less needed in literature than is the analysis of the human heart.

Alfred de Vigny

#heart #human #human heart #less #literature

I made art a philosophy, and philosophy an art: I altered the minds of men, and the colour of things: I awoke the imagination of my century so that it created myth and legend around me: I summed up all things in a phrase, all existence in an epigram: whatever I touched I made beautiful

Oscar Wilde

#beauty #literature #philosophy #art

Literature duplicates the experience of living in a way that nothing else can, drawing you so fully into another life that you temporarily forget you have one of your own. That is why you read it, and might even sit up in bed till early dawn, throwing your whole tomorrow out of whack, simply to find out what happens to some people who, you know perfectly well, are made up.

Barbara Kingsolver


Children's books are often seen as the poor relation of literature. But children are just as demanding as adult readers, if not more so. I should know. I'm a children's writer myself.

David Walliams

#books #children #demanding #i #just

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