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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #liter

The fact that life evolved out of nearly nothing, some 10 billion years after the universe evolved out of literally nothing, is a fact so staggering that I would be mad to attempt words to do it justice.

Richard Dawkins

#attempt #billion #evolved #fact #i

Scientists disagree among themselves but they never fight over their disagreements. They argue about evidence or go out and seek new evidence. Much the same is true of philosophers, historians and literary critics.

Richard Dawkins

#among #argue #critics #disagree #disagreements

The intercourse between the Mediterranean and the North or between the Atlantic and Central Europe was never purely economic or political; it also meant the exchange of knowledge and ideas and the influence of social institutions and artistic and literary forms.

Christopher Dawson

#artistic #atlantic #between #central #economic

The taste for books was an early one. As a child he was sometimes found at midnight by a page still reading. They took his taper away, and he bred glow-worms to serve his purpose. They took the glow-worms away and he almost burnt the house down with a tinder.

Virginia Woolf

#literature #reading #words #literature

She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.

Annie Dillard

#literature #reading #literature

I was editor of my high school literary magazine and a reporter for the school newspaper.

Jeffery Deaver

#high #high school #i #literary #magazine

Fairy tales in childhood are stepping stones throughout life, leading the way through trouble and trial. The value of fairy tales lies not in a brief literary escape from reality, but in the gift of hope that goodness truly is more powerful than evil and that even the darkest reality can lead to a Happily Ever After. Do not take that gift of hope lightly. It has the power to conquer despair in the midst of sorrow, to light the darkness in the valleys of life, to whisper “One more time” in the face of failure. Hope is what gives life to dreams, making the fairy tale the reality.

L.R. Knost

#fairy-tales #literacy #dreams

Under adversity, under oppression, the words begin to fail, the easy words begin to fail. In order to convey things accurately, the human being is almost forced to find the most precise words possible, which is a precondition for literature.

Rita Dove

#adversity #almost #begin #being #convey

You get below the Mason-Dixon line and you have some of the best music, culture, the two races, the literature, and it's so rich.

Robert Duvall

#best #culture #get #line #literature

So much of literary sci-fi is about creating worlds that are rich and detailed and make sense at a social level. We'll create a world for people and then later present a narrative in that world.

James Cameron

#create #creating #detailed #later #level

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