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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #lit

It´s not when everything is great that you become to know your truly self... is when everything falls appart...then you have the oportunity to really meditate about how did you get there, and ask yourself who you want to be in the future. This is called spiritually growth and it´s an oportunity to find your best life

Susana Carmo Silva

#inspirational #life #spirituality #inspirational

In old days books were written by men of letters and read by the public. Nowadays books are written by the public and read by nobody.

Oscar Wilde

#bad-reviews #self-publishing #writing #men

It is often argued that religion is valuable because it makes men good, but even if this were true it would not be a proof that religion is true. That would be an extension of pragmatism beyond endurance. Santa Claus makes children good in precisely the same way, and yet no one would argue seriously that the fact proves his existence. The defense of religion is full of such logical imbecilities.

H.L. Mencken

#religion #men

We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.

Winston Churchill


As a girl, she had come to believe in the ideal man -- the prince or knight of her childhood stories. In the real world, however, men like that simply didn't exist.

Nicholas Sparks

#fiction #message-in-a-bottle #nicholas-sparks #reality #romance

Success follows those who champion a cause greater than themselves.

George Alexiou

#attraction #charity #compassion #empowerment #giving

Acceptance means events can make it through you without resistance

Michael Singer

#inspirational #resistance #spiritual-development #spirituality #inspirational

As the sun went down, I saw a solitary boatman disporting on the smooth lake. The falling dews seemed to strain and purify the air, and I was soothed with an infinite stillness. I got the world, as it were, by the nape of the neck, and held it under in the tide of its own events, till it was drowned, and then I let it go down stream like a dead dog. Vast hollow chambers of silence stretched away on every side, and my being expanded in proportion, and filled them. Then first could I appreciate sound, and find it musical.

Henry David Thoreau

#nature #spirituality #inspirational

The greatest threat to our Constitution is our own ignorance of it.

Jacob F. Roecker

#inspirational #political #inspirational

يميل الناس إلى اعتبار سرعةالتأثر بأنها أمر سيئ. ولكن هذا غير صحيح . تذكرنا الحساسية بإنسانيتنا

Jodee Blanco


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