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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #libert

Martin took the same course, thinking as he went, that perhaps the free and independent citizens, who in their moral elevation, owned the colonel for their master, might render better homage to the goddess, Liberty, in nightly dreams upon the oven of a Russian Serf.

Charles Dickens

#liberty #pompous #dreams

Americans are artisans in freedom.

Derrick G. Jeter

#freedom #liberty #freedom

There is no one force, no group, and no class that is the preserver of liberty. Liberty is preserved by those who are against the existing chief power. Oppositions which do not express genuine social forces are as trivial, in relation to entrenched power, as the old court jesters.

James Burnham

#opposition #power #freedom

Freedom for freedoms sake." ~R. Alan Woods [2006]

R. Alan Woods

#grace-and-favor #liberty #r-alan-woods #freedom

LIberty is slavery. Or, well, you already know. P.S. Can you find my logo in the image?

Jarod Kintz

#freedom #george-orwell #illustrator #jarod-kintz #liberty

La liberté de l'esprit est le seul bien, peut-être, qui soit plus précieux que la paix. C'est que la paix, sans elle, n'est que servitude.

André Comte-Sponville

#freedom-of-thought #liberté #liberté-de-pensée #paix #peace

He understood privacy and freedom of expression were paramount to liberty, as incompatible as they may appear. One promoted yelling and screaming, while the other encouraged people to retreat and pull within. Yet, cornerstones to American democracy, people needed them both for the lives they took for granted.

Shelter Somerset

#expression #freedom #liberty #shelter-somerset #freedom

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness... but only when you pay your taxes? That means your freedom is rented, leased, & not unalienable.

Steve Maraboli

#happiness #liberty #life #politics #taxes

Kidnap me and take me away. Throw me across the back of your bike and show me what it feels like to have the wind in your face and the sun on your skin, day in and day out. If it's anything at all like this then it must be heaven on earth. 

C.M. Stunich

#bikers #enjoy-freedom #enjoy-life #free #free-will

People are naturally born as Libertarians till governments and oppressive societies force them to adopt their ideologies and their ways.

Hany Ghoraba

#libertarian #libertarianism #liberty #freedom

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