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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #libert

Americans are artisans in freedom.

Derrick G. Jeter

#freedom #liberty #freedom

There is no one force, no group, and no class that is the preserver of liberty. Liberty is preserved by those who are against the existing chief power. Oppositions which do not express genuine social forces are as trivial, in relation to entrenched power, as the old court jesters.

James Burnham

#opposition #power #freedom

Freedom or prison--what's the difference? A man must develop unwavering will power subject only to his reason.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

#liberty #freedom

It requires but a very small glance of thought to perceive, that although laws made in one generation often continue in force through succeeding generations, yet that they continue to derive their force from the consent of the living. A law not repealed continues in force, not because it cannot be repealed, but because it is not repealed; and the non repealing passes for consent.

Thomas Paine


but now and then liberty, in the slogans of the strong, means freedom from restraint in the exploitation of the weak.

Will Durant

#liberty #freedom

You do not know what will happen if you take down the walls; you cannot see through to the other side, don't know whether it will bring freedom or ruin, resolution or chaos. It might be paradise or destruction. Take down the walls. Otherwise you must live closely, in fear, building barricades against the unknown, saying prayers against the darkness, speaking verse of terror and tightness. Otherwise you may never know hell, but you will not find heaven, either.

Lauren Oliver

#liberty #freedom

There is no such thing as a victimless crime, and people should be allowed to do as they please with their own bodies and with other consenting adults. If you believe otherwise, then you are an enemy of freedom.

Michel Templet

#philosophy #politics #freedom

From every mountain side Let Freedom ring.

Samuel F. Smith

#freedom #independence-day #liberty #freedom

We recognize, however dimly, that greater efficiency, ease, and security may come at a substantial price in freedom, that law and order can be a doublethink version of oppression, that individual liberties surrendered, for whatever good reason, are freedoms lost.

Walter Cronkite preface to the

#liberty #oppression #security #freedom

The source of our suffering has been our timidity. We have been afraid to think....Let us dare to read, think, speak, write.

David McCullough

#government #john-adams #liberty #mccullough #politics-freedom-liberty

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