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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #lever

The great principle of Western society is that competition rules here as it rules in everything else. The best man - that is to say, the strongest and cleverest - is likely to get the best woman, in the sense of the most beautiful person.

Lafcadio Hearn

#beautiful person #best #best man #cleverest #competition

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.

Abraham Joshua Heschel

#admired #am #clever #clever people #i

Writing is good, thinking is better. Cleverness is good, patience is better.

Herman Hesse

#cleverness #good #patience #thinking #writing

My mother was a terrific force in my life. Wartime-generation woman, hadn't gone to university but should have done. Was very funny, very verbal, very clever, very witty.

Ian Hislop

#done #force #funny #gone #hadn

It is not the purpose of the ad or commercial to make the reader or listener say, 'My what a clever ad.' It is the purpose of advertising to make the reader say, 'I believe I'll buy one when I'm shopping tomorrow'.

Morris Hite

#advertising #believe #buy #clever #commercial

I've been composing music all my life and if I'd been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college.

Anthony Hopkins

#clever #college #composing #enough #gone

Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.

Thomas Huxley

#more #patience #tenacity #than #their

I suppose we all loved those kind of sci-fi movies where terrible things came out of swamps and came to Mars. And there's usually some poor girl. All the guys are trying to desperately handle levers and saying, go to something or other.

Neil Innes

#desperately #girl #go #guys #handle

Most of our funding goes to organizations and is then used to leverage the private sector.

Jane Alexander

#goes #leverage #most #organizations #our

That was when the Spanish came in and conquered the Aztecs. I thought that was a clever thing.

Les Baxter

#clever #conquered #i #spanish #thing

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