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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #knowledge

Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill.

Shinichi Suzuki

#plus #skill #ten #thousand #times

I believe that today's players who are Christians feel that it's important and their responsibility to acknowledge their faith.

Lynn Swann

#believe #christians #faith #feel #i

The physical characteristics of the child Jesus will always remain a point of discussion. No artist has ever produced a type, nor ever will, that has in it all that the varying minds of all time will acknowledge as complete.

Henry Ossawa Tanner

#always #artist #characteristics #child #complete

My mom took me to see Carnal Knowledge and The Wild Bunch and all these kind of movies when I was a kid.

Quentin Tarantino

#carnal #i #kid #kind #knowledge

Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control; these three alone lead one to sovereign power.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

#alone #lead #self-control #self-knowledge #sovereign

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

#comes #knowledge #lingers

On Planet of the Apes, I had a very knowledgeable team who knew good materials, but I had one main source person who worked online and on the street continually looking for the proper materials.

Colleen Atwood

#good #had #i #knew #knowledgeable

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but a little want of knowledge is also a dangerous thing.

Samuel Butler

#dangerous #dangerous thing #knowledge #little #thing

When we go to the Bible we should keep in mind that the basic principles of the Bible are taught by God, but written down by human beings deprived of modern day knowledge. So there is some fallibility in the writings of the Bible. But the basic principles are applicable to my life and I don't find any conflict among them.

Jimmy Carter

#any #applicable #basic #basic principles #beings

The true knowledge or science which exists nowhere but in the mind itself, has no other entity at all besides intelligibility; and therefore whatsoever is clearly intelligible, is absolutely true.

Ralph Cudworth

#besides #clearly #entity #exists #intelligible

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