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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #knowledge

It is precisely by binding things together that traditional visions perpetuate themselves and the prejudgments contained within them; and it is by insisting on prising things apart that we have liberated ourselves from them

Ernest Gellner

#change #ideas #knowledge #thought #change

I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone else has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. But for the rest of my life, I am going to be with me and I don't want to spend my life with someone who is always critical. So I am going to stop being my own critic. It's high time that I accept all the great things about me.

C. JoyBell C.

#bravery #courage #critic #critical #criticism

If we wish for our country to have an exponentially brighter future, one of the things we need to change is the popular perception some kids have towards school. School is not a prison, it is not a night club, it is not a fight club; school is for learning, learning is the thing that begins the process of separating us from the animals.

Joshua Neik

#education-system #intelligence #knowledge #wisdom #change

The ideal of an “all-round” education is out of date; it has been destroyed by the progress of knowledge.

Bertrand Russell

#learning-from-mistakes #specialization #dating

The time will come when diligent research over periods will bring to light things which now lie hidden...Many discoveries are reserved for ages still to come, when memories of us will have been effaced. Our universe is a sorry little affair unless it has something for every age to investigate. nature does not reveal her mysteries once and for all.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

#mystery #nature #reasearch #universe #age

You are unwilling to pay that price, even knowing that the consolation prize is not only to learn every philosophy that has ever existed, but ones which have not yet been conceived? Even knowing that if you do not accept, you will soon cease to learn anything at all?" Raimund tilted his head, still staring into my eyes, and I knew he must see the tears filling them, though I held them back from falling. "My friend," he whispered, "do you really believe your own words, I wonder? Your pain makes me think you know that death is not the end of learning, but only the beginning.

Krisi Keley

#knowledge #death

Timendi causa est nescire - Ignorance is the cause of fear.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

#ignorance #knowledge #life #life

Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly.

Langston Hughes

#hope #inspiration #knowledge #wisdom #dreams

What would you consider a good job?" Answered as follows: "A good job is one in which I don't have to work, and get paid a lot of money." When I heard that I cheered and yelled and felt that he should be given an A+, for he had perfectly articulated the American dream of those who despise knowledge. What a politician that kid would have made.

Isaac Asimov

#work #dreams

What we want to see is the child in pursuit of the knowledge not the knowledge in pursuit of the child.

George Bernard Shaw

#knowledge #youth #education

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