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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #kat

His Majesty needs a can-I girl anyway. And I'm not it." "A can-I girl?" Andrea frowned. I leaned back. " ` Can I fetch you your food, Your Majesty? Can I tell you how strong and mighty you are, Your Majesty? Can I pick out your fleas, Your Majesty? Can I kiss your ass, Your Majesty? Can I . . ." It dawned on me that Raphael was sitting very still. Frozen, like a statue, his gaze fixed on the point above my head. "He's standing behind me, isn't he?" Andrea nodded slowly. "Technically it should be `may I,'" Curran said, his voice deeper than I remembered. "Since you're asking permission.

Ilona Andrews

#beast-lord #curran #kate-daniels #raphael #food

There's something about putting on a pair of skates, and getting out there and moving like nobody else can. Freedom is a word that comes to mind.

Randy Gardner

#skating #sports #freedom

As I’ve said, it wasn’t until a long time afterwards—long after I’d left the Cottages—that I realized just how significant out little encounter in the churchyard had been. I was upset at the time, yes. But I didn’t believe it to be anything so different from other tiffs we’d had. It never occurred to me that our lives, until then so closely interwoven could unravel and separate over a thing like that. But the fact was, I suppose, there were powerful tides tugging us apart by then, and it only needed something like that to finish the task. If we’d understood that back then—who knows?—maybe we’d have kept a tighter hold of one another.

Kazuo Ishiguro

#kathy-h #relationships #friendship

A true friend is a light in the dark. Viven

Kate Morton

#kate-morton #the-secret-keeper #friendship

How long have you been standing there?" "Just long enough to see you give Daemon the middle finger." "He deserved it.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

#daemon #funny #katy #funny

I was feeling the height of bitchiness.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

#katy #funny

I didn't want to spoil the mood. This was probably the longest Daemon and I had ever spoken without some statement earning him the finger.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

#funny #katy #funny

Daemon!" Dee called from the kitchen. "I need your help!" "We should go see what she's doing before she destroys your kitchen." He rubbed his hands down his face. "It's possible.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

#dee #disaster #funny #katy #funny

Kate's Speciality: Killing things, with much bloodshed. Talking trash, infuriating authority. Driving Beast Lord crazy.

Ilona Andrews

#ilona-andrews-website #kate-daniels #magic-bleeds #funny

Because he has the best equipment in the City and he knows how to use it!

Ilona Andrews

#humor #kate #funny

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