If things are going well, if the writing's coming along, I jump out of bed happy. And if the previous day has been bad, I get out of bed disgruntled. ↗
If there was a distraction I'd get up and jump out the window. I was quite out of hand. In schools like that I don't think they expect that girls are going to behave in such an outrageous fashion. ↗
I appreciate an audience that reacts to the music, even if they jump on stage and try to beat us up, I think that's a fantastic reaction. I think that they're really hearing something then. ↗
Even Hitchcock liked to think of himself as a puppeteer who was manipulating the strings of his audience and making them jump. He liked to think he had that kind of control. ↗
We did some jumping at the start of the show. We went out without telling anyone - and the studio liked to kill us. They were threatened with cancellation of their production insurance. ↗
It's important for people to realize I don't want to be the It guy. I want to crawl before I walk. I want to learn about things before I jump into them. ↗
Working with Jim Carrey is an absolute gas. I have never laughed so hard for so long. Had he been on-board for the sequel of Dumb & Dumber, I would've jumped on, with no hesitation. ↗