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#job creation

Read through the most famous quotes by topic #job creation

Well, I think the president has clearly submitted us a tight budget, but it's what's called for if we're going to get spending under control and keep the economy moving in the right direction, with economic growth and job creation activity.

Thad Cochran

#budget #called #clearly #control #creation

Recent economic data shows that our economy is robust, growing and headed in the right direction. The numbers don't lie. Americans are currently enjoying falling gas prices, low unemployment, increased job creation, and a stock market that has reached an all-time high.

J. D. Hayworth

#creation #currently #data #direction #economic

In times of adversity - for the country we love - Maryland always chooses to move forward. Progress is a choice. Job creation is a choice. Whether we move forward or back: this too is a choice.

Martin O'Malley

#always #back #choice #chooses #country

Without economic growth and job creation in Mexico, we won't be able to confront the migratory phenomenon.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

#confront #creation #economic #economic growth #growth

The way to an American economic comeback, the way to help those out of work today find a paycheck, is to unleash the forces of job creation in America. The source of new jobs isn't going to be the bureaucracies of Washington, but rather the creativity, ingenuity, and hard work of the American people.

Rob Portman

#american #american people #bureaucracies #comeback #creation

That's the real secret to job creation - not borrowing and spending more money in Washington.

Paul Ryan

#creation #job #job creation #money #more

We're getting job creation in healthcare and educational services. We've been getting that all along. It's demographically driven, it's funded by the government, and that's held up.

Mark Zandi

#been #creation #driven #educational #funded

The Obama administration's large and sustained increases in debt raise the specter of another financial crisis and large future tax increases, further chilling business investment and job creation.

Glenn Hubbard

#another #business #chilling #creation #crisis

We believe that - the President believes that the economy will continue to grow, that the economy will continue to create jobs, and that we need to do everything we can to enhance that growth and enhance that job creation.

Jay Carney

#believes #continue #create #creation #economy

What we've been hearing over and over again is that the reason Republicans are opposed to the surtax is because of the concern of its impact on job creation. Well, if you carve out employers, you take away that argument.

Susan Collins

#argument #away #because #been #carve

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