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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #interpret

Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting them as facts, then you are in trouble.

Joseph Campbell

#every #facts #gets #interpreting #metaphorically

'Brooklyn's Finest,' this is the kind of movie that's why I want to be an actor, to tell real-life stories. This is where I feel my job is, to interpret life.

Ethan Hawke

#brooklyn #feel #finest #i #i feel

The man who interprets Nature is always held in great honor.

Zora Neale Hurston

#great #held #honor #interprets #man

The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.

James Joyce

#best #interpreters #men #their #thoughts

Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.

Frank Lloyd Wright

#age #architect #day #every #great

If you believe in the eighteenth century view of the mind, you will look and act wimpy. You will think that all you need to do is give people the facts and the figures and they will reach the right conclusion. You will think that all you need to do is point out where their interests lie, and they will act politically to maximize them. You will believe in polling and focus groups: you will believe that if you ask people what their interests are, they will be aware of them and will tell you, and will vote on it. You will not have any need to appeal to emotion---indeed, to do so would be wrong! You will not have to speak of values; facts and figures will suffice. You will not have to change people's brains; their reason should be enough. You will not have to frame the facts; they will speak for themselves. You just have to get the facts to them...

George Lakoff

#does-it-make-a-sound #george-lakeoff #humor-inspirational #humor-irony-death-zombie #life-and-living

Symptoms, those you believe you recognize, seem to you irrational because you take them in an isolated manner, and you want to interpret them directly.

Jacques Lacan

#believe #directly #interpret #irrational #isolated

I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.

John Locke

#actions #always #best #i #interpreters

I think art is the only thing that's spiritual in the world. And I refuse to forced to believe in other people's interpretations of God. I don't think anybody should be. No one person can own the copyright to what God means.

Marilyn Manson

#art #believe #copyright #forced #god

In country music the lyric is important and the melodies get a little more complex all the time, and you hear marvelous new singers who are interested in writing and interpreting a lyric and in all form of popular music.

Dinah Shore

#country #country music #form #get #hear

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