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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #intelligent

The difference between ignorant and educated people is that the latter know more facts. But that has nothing to do with whether they are stupid or intelligent.

Neal Stephenson

#difference #educated #educated people #facts #ignorant

His attention caught, her companion raised his eyes from the book which lay open beside him on the table and directed them upon her in a look of aloof enquiry. 'What's that? Did you say something to me, Venetia?' 'Yes, love,' responded his sister cheerfully, 'but it wasn't of the least consequence, and in any event I answered for you. You would be astonished, I daresay, if you knew what interesting conversations I enjoy with myself.

Georgette Heyer

#intelligent-conversation #intelligence

It was easy to present figures demonstrating the contrast between lead work in the United States under conditions of neglect and ignorance, and comparable work in England and Germany, under intelligent control.

Alice Hamilton

#comparable #conditions #contrast #control #demonstrating

There can be no intelligent control of the lead danger in industry unless it is based on the principle of keeping the air clear from dust and fumes.

Alice Hamilton

#based #clear #control #danger #dust

I was very limited in what I could do with flying saucers, because they're just a metal disc. I had to try and put character in as if they were intelligently guided.

Ray Harryhausen

#character #could #disc #flying #guided

Even though I am fantastic looking, I am still quite intelligent.

Shahrukh Khan

#even #fantastic #i #i am #intelligent

A celebrity name is never enough for an intelligent mass market... truly successful businesses are born of passion and heartfelt interest.

Elle Macpherson

#businesses #celebrity #enough #heartfelt #intelligent

I am often fond of saying the Trekkers are passionate about a hobby, their hobby is 'Star Trek.' They are by and large very imaginative, very intelligent people, and they certainly have been more than generous to me.

Kate Mulgrew

#am #been #certainly #fond #generous

Life and the universe are not a spiritless chance occurrence without a purpose, nor are they a trick performed by a supernatural magician." - A Time of Change

Paul Greene

#evolution #intelligent-design #islam #judaism #pyramids

The very comprehensibility of the world points to an intelligence behind the world. Indeed, science would be impossible if our intelligence were not adapted to the intelligibility of the world. The match between our intelligence and the intelligibility of the world is no accident. Nor can it properly be attributed to natural selection, which places a premium on survival and reproduction and has no stake in truth or conscious thought. Indeed, meat-puppet robots are just fine as the output of a Darwinian evolutionary process.

William A. Dembski

#chance #coincidence #consciousness #darwinism #evolution

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