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Read through the most famous quotes by topic #ilan

Rambo isn't violent. I see Rambo as a philanthropist.

Sylvester Stallone

#i see #philanthropist #see #violent

I am a professional performer and I only appear on TV for entertainment or for philanthropic organizations, and I consider this a very serious matter that doesn't fit into either category.

Lionel Stander

#appear #category #consider #either #entertainment

In my travels, I also noticed that kids in Thailand like spicy food, and kids in India love curry. I'm hoping to introduce my son, Hudson, to lots of veggies and spices when he's young. I say that before he's started on solid foods, so it could be easier in theory than practice!

Curtis Stone

#before #could #curry #easier #food

I certainly think Halle Berry's a wonderful role model. She's a terrific stepmother and has shown that in so many beautiful ways and has made such enormous strides for women culturally and such great successes as an actress and philanthropist.

Sharon Stone

#beautiful #berry #certainly #culturally #enormous

May He who holds in his hands the destinies of nations, make you worthy of the favors He has bestowed, and enabled you with pure hearts and hands and sleepless vigilance, to guard and defend to the end of time, the great charge He has committed to your keeping.

J. Reuben Clark

#charge #committed #defend #destinies #enabled

Kalau aku mengatakannya, reaksi apa yang akan kau berikan? Apakah kau akan menerima pengakuanku? Apakah kau akan percaya padaku? Apakah kau masih akan menatapku seperti ini? Atau apakah justru kau akan menjauh dariku? Meninggalkanku? Tapi aku tahu aku harus mengatakannya padamu. Aku tidak mungkin menyimpannya selamanya. Entah bagimana reaksimu nanti setelah mendengarnya, aku hanya berharap satu hal padamu. Jangan pergi dariku. Tetaplah disisiku

Ilana Tan

#ilana-tan #naomi-ishida #spring-in-london #london

I will help--but only so much, only so far. It is not that I believe these children are less than my own. It is not that I believe I do not have a responsibility for them. It is just that in a world of haves and have-nots, I do not want to give up too much of what I have. I do not want to diminish the complexity and diversity of my life. Instead, I will choose to spend another seventy-five dollars on myself rather than send another child to school, and I will choose to do this over and over again. I no longer think of myself as a good person. I have adjusted to that.

Sharman Apt Russell


I’d give just about anything if I could make you care,” he said. “Especially about me.

Dia Reeves

#ilan #love #slice-of-cherry #love

I do know you, Fancy. All about you. The problem is, you don’t know about me.

Dia Reeves

#ilan #love #slice-of-cherry #love

Maybe that’s what I have been looking for. When storms and rockslides threaten, I am looking for someone who will hold on to me and not let go.

Courtney Milan

#devotion #hold-on #love #never-let-go #rockslide

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